Being there is a small booster draft at my local gaming clue next Sunday (I know, I know, Mother's Day, but tourney in the morning, family stuff at night) and I'm kinda split on whether or not I should even bother attending.

I've looked through the set image gallery and I see hardly any cards I'd want from the set (kind of a good thing, actually, considering there's no temptation to buy more than a few packs if I even bothered at all), but on the other hand it's a chance to do my second-ever booster draft.

I want to be able to make critical deck-making decisions *on the fly*. It typically takes me a week to make a single deck for our regular MtG game nights and I'd like to change that. Plus, my deck ideas usually involve disassembling the previous week's deck because there are certain cards I always play with if it's a specific colour (example, I always play Rites of Flourishing x4 if I have green).

$25 entry for the draft, so certainly not bad, either 4 or 5 boosters per person (the organizer wants to get a better feeling for how many will attend on account of the previously mentioned Mother's Day).

I hate feeling wishy-washy but it's gnawing at me just barely enough that I'm not too keen on really looking at all the pros and cons in a more detailed manner.