So we finally had the entire crew together last night,no pugs or replacements.
Zonozz dropped my heroic gloves finally.
We one-shot H Blackhorn. And what makes that really cool? I solo-healed pretty much the entire second phase, because our other healer decided to get stunned while standing in a fire. And our battle rez was previously used prior to that.
That was hard, let me tell you boys and girls.

H Spine attempts.
Made it to the last plate easily enough. That last plate is just brutal though, even with the 20% debuff.
Good news? We have 2 more days to progress on spine.
Bad news? Next week I am MIA due to a co-worker on vacation.
Worse news? The week after that officially marks the beginning of convention season, so our rogue will be extremely intermittent from then on.
Meaning, this might be our last week to down Spine before Mists.

Also, Caramelldansen anyone?