[Moonless Midnight - Attack Of The Insectoid Facehuggers From Marty's Sleeve!]

Oh gods, not a creepy-crawly-shiny beetle-aggressor assaulting Valaira's face! Whatever has she done to Dalachrech to warrant him loosing his exoskeleton-ed horde upon her?

As Valaira darts through the shadows en route to the Maple Cabin, the killer beetle from Marty's sleeve collides and latches onto her face!

In a split second, Valaira's inner turmoil is shattered and cast out the window, flattened by a semi, and kicked in the gut a few times for good measure and replaced an usurping force, confusion!

Something landed on her face! She jumps and only manages to stifle a yip of shock by the skin of her teeth. That doesn't prevent her from gasping noisily and clamping a gauntleted palm onto the pommel of her blade.

In a flash, she bring her hand upwards, rips the terrible bug from her flesh, and thrusts it upon the ground with as much agility and energy as she can muster, her arm blurring slightly as it travels through space.

Now is probably the time she espies Marty.

She immediately does her best to look innocent!

That's a basically impossible feat seeing as she's wearing tons of combat armor and a recently bloodied blade is strapped to her side.