
The Timburr takes the hit, then smacks plant for 28 damage (before defences).

The girl slams on the floor, but then jabs her foot in your face as she hits the mat. 21 damage before defence.


'So, you passed stage 1 of the test? And from your records, you passed stage 2 as well. You caught a pokemon abuser. Just stage 3 and you'll be a certified snagger. Here.' He plugs a card into the glove. 'This gives you one chance. It'll let you snag one pokemon, then stop working. Bring us a pokemon that has been abused and we'll unlock it for you. then you'll be a fully certafied and legal snagger.' Patty claps you on the back when she hears that.


'Yeah, fat chance of that. The fighters and psychics catch me, they'll probably beat me to death.' Rovi is still staggering about blind and coughing up a black liquid.

The koffing shoots poison gas at you and Yanko. Yanko is low enough to kiss the blast, but you are now poisoned.