The UK is a pretty good place, I'd say. I think part of it is the very relaxed culture we have here - yes, there's debate on some issues etc. still, but when I contrast it with the stuff going on in the colonies it's so much more relaxed! Nobody really cares too much here, as a rule. Yeah, there are places I don't really feel comfortable doing PDA's with the fella, but they're few and far-between.

TL;DR? The Brits are too lazy to care. We're so jaded as a nation that nothing matters any more, we're just sat here waiting for the end and mainlining monkey dust.It's a satiric cartoon show, detailing a depressing and accurate take on Brit culture. Don't watch it all in one sitting, you might want to jump off something.

The legend of the "Two dudes in the nude is lewd, but two ladies doing something shady is gravy" is that dear old Queen Vic refused to believe lesbians existed, because she didn't get why people would do it.