Quote Originally Posted by Eakin View Post
There's this scene from Ponyville Confidential where she tries and can't
Random question. How do you get links for long YouTube videos so that they start at a particular spot in the middle like the one you just did?

Quote Originally Posted by HalfTangible View Post
I could be petty and point out that we don't know they're immortal, we only know they are extremely old... but that would be petty

So instead I'll point out:
1) People have holidays surrounding them all the time. Heck, so do events. That doesn't mean they're gods, it just means people LIKE them.
2)[Censored for pettiness]
3) They move the sun and moon. That's IT. We don't even know if they're the same sun and moon - ie, a massive ball of gas and a massive ball of dust. Episode 1's 'stars shall aid in her escape' sequence pretty much proves the stars aren't suns. Heck, ordinary unicorns used to raise the sun and moon.

... I think i've switched points mid-argument again >.>

She serves the functions of a monarch. There's a difference. People swear by monarchs all the time. Didn't someone make that point already?

"By god"
"By george"

etc etc.

Oh, i LIKE it. And it's a reasonable piece of fanon. I just don't like that, apparently, someone thinks it's canon. Because it's not.
The state of canon is that we don't know for certain. However, several pieces of canon imply strongly that Celestia and Luna are deities. This includes the level of reverence they receive from the local populations, their long lives, their control over Celestial bodies, and the use of Celestia's name in several oaths traditionally reserved for god.

So, it is a correct statement to say that canon strongly implies that Luna and Celestia are deities without 100% confirming it.