I tried to answer less things this time, but apparently most of them were interesting! Oh well, maybe next time...

- The decorations in my room consist largely of scrounged posters from magazines, mostly of various space pictures, but a few of those old TMNT ones from the magazine. Also a large rug on the wall. Swords and lots of books in bookcases are the other primary features, but they aren't there for decoration, so I'm not sure if they count.

- I love natural history museums, in part because they are the most likely to have dinosaur exhibits, and in part because I'm interested in history and such. Art and science museums are also cool.

- My favourite boardgame is probably Arkham Horror. I'll try and stick to one favourite.

- I like riding my bicycle, and do/did/will do that a lot. Favourite's probably sparring, but that requires more than one person.

- The only jobs I've had have been at the theatre. I like directing best.

- I'm not very organised. I only become organised when it becomes necessary, and then I tend to grudge it. I just do what seems best at the time.

- I prefer dark beer or red wine, then other beers and wines, then rum, then other hard liquor, and I'm really not fond of soda. (Most days of the week, however, I just drink water.)

- I would rather have the day of adventure. I'm not really much the partying sort.

- Wisdom would be my lowest stat, I think, as it's tied to Spot, and I've been known to miss terribly obvious things in front of me (such as the living room furniture having been rearranged).

- My best... might be Constitution, I suppose. I tend to heal rather quickly and rarely get sick. If not that, Intelligence or Dexterity, but those are harder to tell for sure. I wish it were Strength, but it is not (though that's better than it used to be).

- For shoes, I have a set of sneakers and a set of boots for the winter. Then I have doubles in black, because my others weren't black and I do enough tech work at theatre that I usually need black shoes every couple of months. The black ones also double as more formal footwear if people complain to me that my footwear is too disreputable for going places.

- My favourite numbers... 13, 7, and 10 come to mind. No real reason.

- I wouldn't want to meet any famous or historical figures. I'd have no idea what to say. My favourite fictional characters would mostly also be a bad idea to meet. (Fëanor or Elric of Melniboné, for instance.) Maybe Aragorn? Or Finrod? They're a bit safer. Still wouldn't know what to say, though.

- Munchkin, unless you were referring to things like Poker and Hearts and what.

- I like autumn the best. The weather is usually (to my mind) nice, in the low seventies, and the colour is interesting.

- I can't skip stones. I've never lived near a river, pond, or other body of water, so I've never even tried. I sometimes wonder if I would be able to.

- Late afternoon/early evening, maybe around sunset. It usually seems to be the most pleasant outdoors then, and it's late enough in the day that I feel more active.

Question: Do you like where you live now, and if not, where would you want to live?