Quote Originally Posted by Cheesegear View Post
No. All of the Cursed Founding Chapters have extremely poor geneseed integrity and retention and have enough trouble keeping their own Chapters at fighting strength, let alone founding a new Chapter.
What he said. Basically, the Cursed Founding was a resounding failure on all counts. The Chapters that were part of the Founding suffer universally from massive issues with their Gene-stock, whether that be as Cheesegear said Chapters with extreme issues maintaining a pool of functional Geneseed to maintain their numbers or horrible impurities in the gene-stock causing mutations (Black Dragons, Blood Gorgons) and aberrant behavior (Minotaurs, Lamenters). Either of these problems outright eliminates their ability to Found new Chapters, either because of lack of numbers or straight-up Imperial bans on spreading their mutation-causing Geneseed.

In other words, when Fabius Bile looks at your work and says "Hey, when did the Imperium start listening to me? You guys want to swap notes?" (Paraphrased), you know that there's something wrong with it.