Quote Originally Posted by rbetieh View Post
Neither statement seems factual. Neither are the scenarios "completely different" nor is Tarquin getting easier to "deal with".

If you leave these people alone a lot of people will suffer. Xykon accumulates power by gaining levels because thats how a sorceror gets stronger, Tarquin accumulates power by subjugating people and taking their magical trinkets. Both are growing in threat factor. Both have the potential to do a lot of damage. Both offered the same deal to a protagonist.
"Neither statement seems factual."

Tarquin is not a threat to the world on anywhere near the same level as Xykon, so while "Both have the potential to do a lot of damage" is technically true because "a lot" is so vague, "Both have the potential to do comparable amounts of damage" is utterly false. Xykon has subjugated lots of people and taken magical trinkets from many enemies, most notably Dorukan.

And Xykon offered a, "Stop hitting me with your sword in this fight which has thus far been at worst a draw from your perspective, because you know I'm higher level than you" deal to Roy. Tarquin's "offer" consisted of, "Since I have disarmed you and you have already lost the fight, I decree that we will now stop fighting"; Elan "accepted" it in that he did not attempt to headbutt Tarquin off the parapet instead of acknowledging that he had lost.