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Thread: [Nexus] HT's plots

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    Pixie in the Playground
    The Alexandrian's Avatar

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    Dexter's Laboratory

    Default Re: [Nexus] HT's plots


    Oh! Look! A fellow reveler approaches in hopes of merrymaking and celebration and... Hellooo there! This curious by no measure an insipid dame at first glance!

    Clarissa takes a moment to behold the features of Tina, hushed as she is by Tina's mien. Clarissa realizes that there's an elegant cacophony of man and machine behind Tina's appearance. Clarissa sees it as though her body were an orchestra composed of harmonizing instruments, horrisonous ones if not assiduously balanced. She's exotic. Unique. And a pretty flavor of unique to be sure!

    The fact that Tina's looks alone can stay Clarissa's tongue speaks to how much sway she currently holds over Clarissa. She's piqued Clarissa's curiosity. Clarissa's has never before seen someone who chose to replace the glory that nature imparts upon the flesh with shiny, inert coinage metals!

    This is a new experience! It is exhilarating!

    But Clarissa cannot help but be a little discombobulated by this sight. There aren't many things the timeless divinity hasn't observed in her time.

    The lithe AMENite manages to literally shake off her shock after a relatively brief delay. A cordial, courteous demeanor descends on her as she respectfully nods to the subject she has taken particular interest in watching and evaluating.

    With a cheerful, borderline flirty lilt, Clarissa begins to (finally) vocally respond to Tina.

    "Hail! I'm Clarissa. Nice to meet you!"

    Clarissa then turns her oddly benevolent view to rest on her victim of the day who just so happens to be...


    Ah! It looks as though her conniving backup boss is in quite the spot here. Maybe she should help him...

    Oh. Right. The hands that shape reality have afforded her the opportunity of setting her boss adrift at sea for an indefinite period of time. If she passes up her chance at sending Maggy to an uncharted desert isle by air mail now, she'll likely never get a second chance to try it out. As long as she doesn't hurt him and she can ensure he makes it back to shore safe and secure before hypothermia or puke-inducing raisin-toes set in, she's going for it! And I'm afraid that by no number of nuanced platitudes or nifty Magtokian quips could Maggy weasel his way out of this one even prior to Clarissa's intervention!

    Plus, she gets a shot at dunking Maggy's garish robes in the ocean, which might cause him to change into an ensemble she finds more fashionable. Perhaps one that Libby could, incidentally, openly gawk at?

    Clashing aspects of death don't necessarily have to battle it out all of the time!

    "You mean old chrome dome over there?"

    Clarissa nonchalantly waves at Maggy as though she weren't about to agree to try to lob him a distance that would rival the Nexus's own record for the Olympian's own shotput chucking event!

    "Depending on wind speeds and the like, I'd judge that I could propel him clear over the horizon. I could probably get him further out without hurting him, factoring his chrome dome into the equation, but if I did successfully perform such an act, we'd need to figure out a way for him to get back before the sharks get to him."

    "We don't want to be responsible for any of them breaking their teeth on his metal parts, after all."

    Clarissa is presumably joking about that last part.

    Last edited by The Alexandrian; 2012-05-20 at 12:15 AM.