
Oh noes! Magtok was absconding from his just desserts! Someone must put a stop to this crime!

Clarissa hastens to draw her silver longsword from the barbaric, grimy, metal scabbard strung to her side and, while proceeding to carry out that task, bellows like a Norse goddess,

"Stop right there, criminal scum!"

Luckily, there's a Kirk about who has the situation under control. Now to mollify Magtok's apprehension and general angst Clarissa is certain that Maggy is feeling and curtail his free will for awhile! Fun! And she might get a shot at reworking his convictions if her reproach hits its mark!

With a lecherous strut and bounce in her step, the foxy Clarissa positions herself somewhere between Magtok and the mainland, setting herself up to cut him off should he squirm out of Kirk's grasp and make a break for it.

Now, while Clarissa's outfit isn't exactly skimpy, it does show off her curves quite nicely. She appears to be doing her best to appeal to the womanizing, boasting Maggy that wants to show off and impress everyone with his suave mannerisms and intellect.

And perhaps soon, wild stunts of aerial wonderment!

"Come now, boss! I'm going to make sure you aren't hurt at all by anything! Don't be such a miserable coward! Be brave and adventurous!"

Hey, Clarissa, aren't you supposed to be a tsundere when it comes to being around other people you don't know all that well and stuff?

"You won't drown! Or die of hypothermia! And you'll be the talk of the town and the apple of everybody's eyes. I've got a clean track record when it comes to making flightless people fly. I have a few people who can corroborate that too. Plus, you need to unwind. You need to blow off some steam and chill, and I really think this experience will help you do this."

"Tell you what, you do this without whinging afterward and I'll have a chilled beverage of your choice waiting for you when you return."

"Not to mention that a little exercise would help build and tone muscle!"

Methinks Clarissa genuinely believes she's doing Maggy a favor by launching him into the sky to have his "Team Rocket is blasting off again!" *Ding!* moment!