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    Orc in the Playground
    Clawhound's Avatar

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    Jan 2012

    Default Re: Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition - Thread #3

    I pretty much agree.

    I don't think that the numbers are random. That, and they don't need us to check the numbers. They can already do that with focus groups where they record the session and know every die that gets rolled. What they don't know is the experiential parts.

    In a way, they are throwing spaghetti at the wall and they're seeing which parts fall off first. That's a messy way to do it, but sometimes just throwing the spaghetti is the most effective thing to do. If the community is going to hate something, better to find out now rather than later in the design process.

    Once they send out the surveys, we'll know what exactly they want to learn about. My gut says that they'll focus on look & feel, enjoyability, length of game sessions, etc. Fine tuning the numbers will occur over the entire duration of the playtest.
    Last edited by Clawhound; 2012-05-25 at 01:03 PM.