[Market Street]

Extravagance was certainly one way to grab attention. Like bright colors or fine fabrics as long as it wasn't too opulent. Otherwise, that would be begging for someone to try and nick the decorations when a person wasn't looking.

Nephea appeared to be taking notes at least. Well, mentally anyway. Strangely, though, while Nephea didn't appear to be the sort who balked at talking to others, she seemed a bit put off by the idea of drawing so much attention to herself. Really, she seemed like the last person who'd be afraid of talking in front of a crowd but there it was.

"I gotcha but, uh, do I just sit up here and yell at people then? Because I'm not sure if I can give out free samples at the moment. And some of this stuff isn't supposed to be sampled now that I think of it." A person deciding to drink acid wasn't even on the list of 'last thing I want to see' out of how horrific it would be.