I just played another two Tannken games. I'm about to play a third.

My last one was...unusual.


I pick Kennen, say 'tanky AD Kennen'.

'trollolol; ALL TROLL', etc. in the chat. Double jungle Morg/Annie.

Why not?

We convince Varus to play along and it's epic. Level one we gank at blue, get 4 kills for one. Then we do a level 1 / level 2 Dragon. After that the rest of us laned and I ganked/roamed/jungle farmed.

The enemy got to the point where they were attacking our Nexus. "gg"s were said. It was at half HP...Two of us spawn at once and kill both of the enemies attacking it!

After that turnaround, we slowly pushed and won teamfights until finally we wiped out their entire base.