Quote Originally Posted by Forever Curious View Post
Kaalia was a bit irked that they wouldn't be able to clothes shop, and, although she wanted to continue with what she thought was an excellent tour, couldn't think of anything else she needed or wanted. "You know, we should probably-"

"-check out what's going on over there!" she exclaimed, pointing excitedly at the strange cat creature that just belched fire. Kaalia had never seen such a... woman, the assumed, plus a fellow craftsman to boot. Unless Cass stops her she'll march straight over to the Catmander's blanket.

"Well hiya!" she greets, smiling broadly. "What are these marvelous wares you promised?"
Quote Originally Posted by Terumitsu View Post
[Market Street]

A catamander was obviously a four foot tall (and a bit of change) humanoid that had both the traits of a black cat and salamander. Also pointy horns behind her ears but those were hidden under a newsie cap. She sounded just a bit young to be called a 'woman' though. "-and make sure you apply it once a day for a full week. I don't care if it looks healed before then either. And that'll be twenty silver... Here's your change! Have a nice day sir!" Nephea made sure to finish with a rather burly looking ogre with quite the number of scars before addressing her new customers.

"Hello there! Well, I've got a potion for nary every problem you might have. Well, no bringing back any long dead grandmothers or restoring ancient cults or anything. You'd probably want to see some of the clergy around here for those problems. Don't truck with any love potions either. Stuff is dangerous and usually implies one person has some issues they need to sort out. Obsession's a bad thing. Um, but other than that, I probably have something for you! Anything you might particularly be in the market for today Ms..?" Nephea had on a bright smile that was expected of any good shopkeeper but this one was apparently quite genuine at least.
"Alright, whatever," Cass says while following Kaalia. She isn't too interested in touring the rest of this market. She got what she needed, after all. She certainly didn't need any sort of potions. Was this a talismonger? She thought they didn't made potions. She just shrugs away her thoughts. She had her gun, pretty sure she still was an adept. Didn't need anything else.