I think it was mentioned in some game direction post that Blizz might change it so you can see the true level of an item (60+).

The difference in quality of drops between Act I and Act II in Inferno is just nuts. Pretty much every drop in Act II seems to be better than my best drop in Act I. I imagine III and IV will be similar and that makes me a sad panda.

On the bright side, I feel like WD is the most fun class to be in inferno with. I still have to kite (better than needing to kite on a monk or barb though ) but it's not so left click to win DPS that I hear Wiz and DH go for. The usage of all my control spells actually requires some skill, regardless of what D3 forum goers will tell you about how the whole difficulty is just a gear check. Granted, I still maintain that Blizz messed up Inferno's design pretty badly.