The critter didn't dig into the ground this time.

(Not using effect.)

The lady and the critter turned into water, which mixed and turned into shadow, forming another roach-man...

(Overlay Beast and Ariel for my other Steelswarm Roach. Negate?)

LP: 7900


Evigishki Mind Augus: 2500/2000, effects negated/can't attack

Steelswarm Roach: Being Xyz Summoned (Material, Gishki Beast, Gishki Ariel)

Ritua Kitaaa!
Hand (2):
Moray of Greed, Gishki Shadow

Facedown: None

Graveyard (You can look):
Salvage, Mirror Force, Steelswarm Roach, Evigishki Gustkrake, Heavy Storm, Salvage, Vision Gishki, Gishki Aquamirror,

No Banished Cards

Deck (29):
  1. Evigishki Gustkrake
  2. Evigishki Mind Augus
  3. Evigishki Zealgigas
  4. Evigishki Zealgigas
  5. Gishki Abyss
  6. Gishki Abyss
  7. Gishki Abyss
  8. Gishki Ariel
  9. Gishki Ariel
  10. Gishki Beast
  11. Gishki Shadow
  12. Gishki Shadow
  13. Vision Gishki
  14. Vision Gishki
  15. Dark Hole
  16. Gishki Aquamirror
  17. Gishki Aquamirror
  18. Monster Reborn
  19. Moray of Greed
  20. Mystical Space Typhoon
  21. Mystical Space Typhoon
  22. Mystical Space Typhoon
  23. Salvage
  24. Bottomless Trap Hole
  25. Solemn Judgment
  26. Solemn Warning
  27. Solemn Warning
  28. Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck (14):
  1. Super Dreadnought Cannon Express Gustaph Max
  2. Steelswarm Roach
  3. Photon Papilloperative
  4. Photon Papilloperative
  5. Number 39: Utopia
  6. Number 39: Utopia
  7. Shining Elf
  8. Shining Elf
  9. Gem-Knight Pearl
  10. Gem-Knight Pearl
  11. Gachi Gachi Gantetsu
  12. Gachi Gachi Gantetsu
  13. Evigishki Merrowgeist
  14. Evigishki Merrowgeist