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    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Apr 2007

    Default Re: Mass Effect 3.6: Are you engaging in reproductive behavior with this thread?

    Quote Originally Posted by Derthric View Post
    On another note, I promoted 3 classes and seem to have not received my commendation pack......Darn you Bioware.
    Same here. Having said that, I remember a previous event where one gift came a few days after the other - I won't get upset about it until the weekend, just to be fair

    Quote Originally Posted by Yana View Post
    Is it just me, or are Banshees still popping up in Geth and Cerberus missions? I was farming WGG earlier and was doing fine right until I heard the shriek.
    Yep. Scared the hell out of me too.... But then, I had my Geth SMG X to hand to get rid of the Barriers and was breaking in my new Krysae for what was left, so it could have been worse. Especially since I had just hit Rank 6 of both Tactical Cloak and [Race] Training for all the tasy damage bonuses!

    And.... Oh goody! I unlocked the Batarian Sentinel.
    Great. It's not like I've spent two months grinding through innumerable Turian Soldiers, Krogan Vanguard and Drell Adepts while praying for a single Geth Infiltrator or Cerberus Adept....

    Seriously, if Bioware implement a system to swap my unwanted characters for someone else's, I will forgive them for pretty much everything else.
    Last edited by Wraith; 2012-05-30 at 05:54 PM.
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