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    Titan in the Playground
    Aotrs Commander's Avatar

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    Derby, UK

    Default Re: Mass Effect 3.6: Are you engaging in reproductive behavior with this thread?

    Quote Originally Posted by Yana View Post
    Is it just me, or are Banshees still popping up in Geth and Cerberus missions? I was farming WGG earlier and was doing fine right until I heard the shriek.
    Yeah, the fracking are... I played about five or six games today (actually even managed to play a few with DabblerWizard, marking the second time I've actually played with someone from the Playground) the fraggers showed up in every game with every enemy, even given I'm playing Bronze.

    To my great surprise, I think I actually took at least one single-handedly (and pretty close with a couple of others) with my Geth Engineer via use of Overload, turret and my Geth SMG!

    I have decided, however, given the utter bungling I made with the first game when I brought my Mantis IX, (now maxed out) that the Geth SMG is much better when you're not an inflitrator to hide better. I was making a real mess of sniping without it...

    No new toys, though, but a couple of upgrades - and +10% shield gear upgrade. (Probably should have saved and gone for a Spectre pack, but I did get my Krogan out of a veteran, so...)
    Last edited by Aotrs Commander; 2012-05-30 at 06:01 PM.