Quote Originally Posted by Derthric View Post
So lately all my Premium packs have been giving me consumable upgrades and Arc Pistol upgrades. Might try it but it always seemed like such a gimmicky gun like the falcon or javelin. You know, good on paper but impractical for actual use.

On another note, I promoted 3 classes and seem to have not received my commendation pack......Darn you Bioware.
Did you promote them before 5am PST Monday morning? If so then they may just be delayed.
Myself? Got an eagle 3 (-_-* ) and a claymore 6. Not too bad.

Quote Originally Posted by KillItWithFire View Post
They seem to be mostly uncommons. A few rares for the nice ones that give multiple bonuses.
ahhh. Okay!
I've got Two rares, shields 6 shield recharge 3 and an SMG 3, power recharge 3. I should go back to vets for the nonce.