Katherine Walker

Katherine is waiting outside the diner, plainclothes and with two cups of coffee: they steam slightly in the air. She hands one to Kane as she approaches. "Only damn decent thing this place makes." She explains. "Really don't wanna see what they put in the food, nice as it tastes. It's a grimy place, low class - not someplace a socalite's gonna be reconized, especially without the makeup and jazz on her." She tilts her head back at the diner, which despite the supposedly terrible food is doing a fairly brisk business for this time. Apparently Walker is one of those that think crowds and noise are the best disguse for more clandestine conversations - the insticts of a city girl through and through.

Walker picks a table that's fairly close to the noise, and talks quietly in the language of the police. It's possibly her way of reconizing Kane or the Question as her partner against crime, in the same manner that the MCU is to her: the most definite sign so far that their relationship is on a different footing. "The vic was killed brutal and none too quick - blunt trama, and he was unarmed, so we can probably say it was unexpected." She sips her coffee as if she likes it. Considering the many things she's done to her taste buds over the years as patrolwoman and detective and lieutenant, she probably does. "Thing that is unusal is the murder instrument, a pair of handcuffs with a model belonging five years ago, of the kind that was involved with Montoya's murder." It's a sign of how into the job she is that she doesn't say the name with any special lack or abundance of inflection. "You knew her better than me. Can you think of anyone who'd want to avenge her death? Best lead we have."