Quote Originally Posted by HalfTangible View Post
Then why is your eye twitching and why can i hear you whispering 'Eat my family'? Obvious bad joke is obvious bad >.>
Eye twitching is due to lack of sleep, the whispering is missing a "with", which is just the way I invite people to lunch.
Quote Originally Posted by Castaras View Post
currently at 11:30 hours. 12:30 left to go. Currently AoE 2. It's fun. I have a big army. I'm being all peaceful and @!"£. It's nice. I hide behind my walls while everyone else beats people up.
Age of Empires 2, also know as medieval Sim City.
Quote Originally Posted by Amiel View Post
Where did you watch it? In the cinemas or from blu-ray or DVD?

While scarred for life is an embellishment, watching it at the cinemas at unspeakable volumes is scarring.

And this is coming from a guy whose favourite genre is horror.
Cinema, cousin who was one year younger than me took me, we went with her father. It wasn't traumatizing, though I'll admit I was scared of VHS for a while.

Quote Originally Posted by Amiel View Post
I spawn lots of rocket cars, spam laser guys and super Canadian bears and then launch them at my enemies for profit and to hear the lamentations of their women.
Oh Canada! But the Canadian bear is from elsewhere.