Quote Originally Posted by Amechra View Post
Alright, I am pretty much done.

Thoughts? Did I do a good job with the creepy stalker vibe?

And note that Form of the Incubus essentially means that any town or city he walks through is going to have a massive uptick in the number of "crimes of passion" committed, and that Dream Obsession doesn't look like a disease to anyone who hasn't seen it before...

Sweet dreams. About someone...
I could play that guy in a totalitarian setting with huge posters of his face every ****ing where.

Personally I would change:

At 4th level, your ever-sleeping nature expands itself outwards, making it almost impossible for you to wake another being. As long as a creature is within 100' of you, that creature must make a Will Save with a DC of 10+Class Level+your Charisma modifier to wake up for any reason, until they have been outside of the area for more than 8 hours; in addition, any creature within that range receives a penalty on any save they make to prevent themselves from falling asleep equal to one-half your class level.
As of now if you walk around the city (moving the area) making 8 hours shifts (like every 8 hours you go for a walk) commoners are not going to wake up, ever. Congrats you are the evilest sleeping beauty around. It's a cool ability for an npc but for a pc? Making everyone in a 100' are just don't wake up (and remain helpless) wow...

I would say that within an area, (you might want to make it work as an emanation so people can hide from you to sleep) do not rest, so while they are there sleeping that time doesn't add up to the hours that they need to rest. For example, you like Average Joe and Dubious Hannah so you walk into their room while they are there they do not rest, once you leave they can continue sleeping normally. If they slept 4 hours prior your visit, and you stayed with them for an hour they would still need 4 more hours of sleep, not 8 hours.

In dream obsession I'll will specify that it is every time they fail a save against dream obsession (not against everything). Consider that one of the capstones is turning your familiar fancy in a vector of the disease (what do you mean by that?)

Other than that I really like the class. It is awesomely scary.