Quote Originally Posted by Ravens_cry View Post
Hal Jordan was also the one in Super Friends and the recent film.
That says to me he counts as the closest to iconic, though John Stewart, thanks to the DCAU Justice League series, could also be in the running.
But that's my point - aside from the media they've appeared in (and their skin color) what really differentiates those two in the eyes of the public? Or if you asked a non-comics-fan what the difference is between Raynor and Hal, what would he or she say?

I believe the answer is - not much. You could pour almost anyone with generic hero characteristics (brave, creative, rebellious etc.) into green tights and few would notice the difference. Alan is the first time that the man behind the ring might get real attention, precisely because of the niche he represents.

It's like asking a non-comics-fan the difference between Tim Drake and Jason Todd, or the difference between Wally West and Barry Allen.

And if I may rant briefly for a moment, this is a general problem with DC characters. They start with the suit and then develop the man, whereas Marvel starts with the man and thrusts them into the suit. People care about Peter Parker/Tony Stark/Bruce Banner/Steve Rogers just as much as they care about Spider Man/Iron Man/Hulk/Cap, because Marvel makes characters first and heroes second.