Having passed by the orcs, Jorran continued hustling back into the cave. His comrades might still have been fighting, and the goblin was obviously formidable. Then he noted a sudden smell, coming straight for him. It was a goblin smell, and the creature was too focused on running away from the others to notice him in time. Waiting for the right moment, he stepped in front of the goblin just as it tried to run towards the entrance, sword prepared in a stance.

Though the strike did not land directly edge-on, the goblin was already injured and the sheer force of the blow was sufficient anyway. Jorran moved out of his fighting stance as he heard the creature hit the ground, smelling the blood from his crushed body. Not yet putting away his sword, he walked over to the rest of the party.

"Sorry about that." Jorran normally wouldn't have been one to apologize, but he felt like his unusual behavior needed some explaining away. "I think that goblin was a mage or somesuch." He said, before continuing in a mutter. "Not like me at all..."