"I...I guess I shouldn't make you all sleep in the street. You'd get your suit all wrinkled and your pigtails muddy *giggles*. There isn't room for six though, so you'll have to sleep on the couch and the floor I guess. Stephie, the extra blankets are in a box in the hall closet, right?"

*Hat racks tips top hat up and down in what is probably a nod*

*Helen goes one room over and comes back with some fuzzy blankets.*

"'Kay, so yeah you can go ahead and set up here. But don't let Stephie and Stephie talk about me anymore or I'm kicking you all out. I'll decide tomorrow what we're gonna do after I have some time to think about it. And you only get to stay for one night. *wags a finger at Marchande* Got it?"