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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FWM] As Equestria Turns:MLP Without the Kiddy Thread X

    Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post

    "Have fun little pony,"
    The voice said chuckling. "Anyways, you two, when you're done with him, ya know where to meet me." And with that it was presumed that unknown fella was gone, leaving Sandy with the other two.

    And so they began their assault on Sandy, savvy enough to kick his horn to keep him from using his magic, several times. Sandy, if he managed to survive, would likely find himself at the Medical bay, the extent of his injuries is up to ye.

    But then from out of nowhere really, since it was near pitch black and all, yadda yadda, a swoosh noise appeared as it sounded to make a thumping contact with one of the other whatevers in this here alley. What followed were the sounds of combat, and lots if flinging into walls, as the other whatever was yoinked away from beating up Sandy. Whatever was happening in the dark seemed to involve a third presence. Sandy had some basic choices here, run, or stay for whatever reason. I'd go with limp away, but that's because run isn't a realistic option. ;D
    Really, "one-sided" didn't even begin to cover it. Sandy likely got a swipe or two before they went to town on his poor horn. While Unicorn horns were rather sturdy, and certainly didn't break easily, there was only so much punishment the systems it protected could take. Not to mention his head took a pounding in the process. And his sides. And his legs. And his neck. And his flank. If only they'd just let up, he could...he could think of something, he was sure of it. He'd get out of this, he always did...

    His miracle finally arrived in the form of...another something? A different something? Ugh...hurt to think too much. He crawled and limped his way to the end of the alley, then looked back. He could get out of here right now, just limp his way to...somewhere else, maybe hope the guards found him first. But these guys...whatever they were, they were tough. And could he really just leave his rescuer to potentially die? Could he dishonor the Cirrus name like that? Ngghh...curse this...crewpony honor of mine... He slowly turned around, leaning heavily against the alley wall, trying to figure out attacker from rescuer in the dark.
    Last edited by TheAmishPirate; 2012-06-09 at 05:38 AM.
    I'm developing a game. Let's see what happens! Complex.