
Harry snarls, jumping out of his chair as the mouse slices it cleanly in two, before whirling around, a single word erupting from his lips, his mouth contorting in shapes not normally possible by humans. "Fiendfyre!"

The flame erupting from his wand made the runes etched upon it pulsate a dark orange, and flames burst from the tip - dragons and phoenixes and wolves all rampaging through the room, but only for a moment, stopping to look at Harry as he grabbed the spell with his magic, and brought it under control.


The dragons and the phoenixes turned on Mickey without a second thought, diving towards the smaller mouse with a fury unseen in any magic Harry had ever used before. The wolves whirled around, creating a fiery circle, trapping the anthropomorphic being inside of it, as Harry walked briskly past, brushing some dust off his waistcoat. "Berserker, let's leave. This wretch seems to think that we're incapable of actually defeating him, after all."

The implication in those words, that only she heard, was clear. "...And I don't want to risk it."


Shiki hesitated momentarily, then nodded, smiling happily at Gary. "Yeah, that sounds... nice."


Touma hesitated, and then looked up at Shirou with a slight sense of remorse in his eyes, and he bowed deeply.

"I'm sorry! This is all my fault!"

Before his eyes flashed all that he had seen today; that girl, telling him to go touch the boy's hand... and he saw the effect it had on him. That girl had told him to basically murder him. And for what? For... for... nothing!?!

"That... girl, from before. She told me to touch your hand. I didn't know it would do that! It's never done that before! Ahhh, such misfortune!"

He's holding his head in his hands, and rocking back and forth miserably. He can't think of a way to fix this, of a way to repay this boy for nearly killing him.

And yet...

There was a growl in his arm. A roar of utter rage, that wouldn't go down. It detested being tricked, despised that someone dared - dared to seduce him with promises in order to win a meager war! It was a being of unfathomable power, of unquenchable thirst! IT. COULD. NOT. BE. STOPPED.