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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Jun 2009

    Default Re: Iron Chef Optimization Challenge in the Playground XXXIV

    I think what he's asking is whether the benefits of the template supersede or stack with the template.

    For example, the Dragon Disciple gains +4 Strength, two each at 2nd and 4th level. Then at 10th, they 'take on the half-dragon template' and '[gain] +4 to Strength and +2 to Charisma'. The half-dragon template gives +8 Strength.

    Quote Originally Posted by Amphetryon
    They gain an additional +4 to STR at 10th level (as noted in the text; PLEASE don't try to parse this as my saying they get any bonuses from Dragon Disciple above and beyond those granted by the text).
    Given a Dragon Disciple who had Strength 10 when he entered the class and put ability increases from leveling up into something else, does he finish with 18 Strength (because both the second-and-fourth-level bonuses and the 4-strength bonus described in the text for Dragon Apotheosis are part of the template bonus), 22 Strength (because the 4-strength bonus described in the text is part of the assumption of the template, but the bonuses from second and fourth level are not), or 26 Strength (because each piece of text describing a strength increase is entirely separate)?

    Similar questions apply to Constitution, Intelligence, Charisma, and Natural Armor.

    The text isn't entirely clear on this point, because it seems clear that at least some of the bonuses acquired from the class are meant to be superseded by the template, but others presumably are not given a ten-level class to acquire a three-LA template.

    EDIT: ...or I could entirely have misinterpreted the question and it could be regarding race and prerequisites. Sorry about that.
    Last edited by Kallisti; 2012-06-10 at 10:46 PM.
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