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    Firbolg in the Playground
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Where ever trouble brews

    Default Re: World of Warcraft XIII: Even Aspects Get Nerfed

    @Mouseover and Healing
    If you are comfortable with what you are doing, I think that is more important.
    If you feel the interface is clunky, then you might want to try something new.
    I used to click to heal and did just fine. Then I tried healbot and it changed my life. But not everyone likes mouseover or addons. It's up to you.

    He sounds like he just wants a single player game to play on his terms. I don't think he actually understands the concept of group play. I've had friends like that. Eventually they either catch on and catch up, or they stop playing altogether.

    @New Animations and 90 Talents/Abilities
    Halo. Wins my vote for coolest looking ability.
    Cascade wins my vote for second coolest, the sheer chaos of it I rather like.
    Divine Star is really cool, Holy Healing Yo-Yo Batman! But it's not as flashy or overt the way Halo is.

    Personally, I see Disc using Divine Star because the cooldown is short (15-20 seconds I think), and it should match up with Pennance well. I see Holy using Halo/Cascade because both work well when everyone is spread out, which is where Holy is the weakest. Also the Mastery of Holy which leaves a HoT on every target healed will be highly effective on Halo or Cascade.

    Checked out Beta Talents again. Didn't realize that Treants are now on a 1 minute CD VS 3 minutes on Tree of Life. I'm going to be switching those two talents all the time it seems.

    First actual raid with the new guild.
    We one shot every fight except blackhorn (3 pulls due to a connection issue) and Spine (5 pulls, mostly because we had a new set of tactics and methods and the tank was a wee bit slow on the uptake). Not bad for our first night.
    Tonight is Madness of Deathwing (Heroic) and after that we will probably start clearing some Firelands junk, maybe kill H Rags on Friday or something.
    Last edited by Karoht; 2012-06-13 at 09:18 AM.
    ~~Courage is not the lack of fear~~
    Quote Originally Posted by gooddragon1 View Post
    If the party wizard can't survive a supersonic dragon made of iron at epic levels it's his own fault really.
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    Ask your DM if Aboleth Mucus is right for you.
    Side effects include coughing, sneezing, and other flu like symptoms, cancer, breathing water like a fish, loss of dignity, loss of balance, loss of bowel and bladder control."