Quote Originally Posted by Wolfbane View Post

"No offense meant, Vyrn, but the moment you stuck yourself on your airship, the coup was inevitable. You didn't see it because you ignored the politics within your Empire as well as out. That was your biggest failing."
Vasquez explains. "As for the others, only a few of them are really up for politics, and those that are, have lost much of their power base. Things have changed to where you can't just shove power around in the public and it scares them. I didn't vote to allow you to become a faction in the Council because that's just what you did as Emperor, and I don't think it'd be a good idea. That said, I have an alternate idea if you wish."
Vyrn shrugs. "It all leads back to the same thing at its core, in my opinion. That said, I am willing to listen, given that there are many ways to act in the capacity I'm looking for. I simply remind you that I will require a degree of autonomy in any given position."