
Touroutou tourou! New thread! All shiny and clean and it says -1- at the page number... wow... Ishmael has survived 104 pages so far!!!

Also, to repeat what I asked before... any XP for the last pages of RP/Action/Monster killing?

Ishmael accepts the words of the priest. He wonders if indeed with the power he consumes the creatures becomes so much more powerful... could 1 man make such a huge difference? Could him draining a few dozen souls cause more harm than years of Skulk sacrifices? Still his other patron had prompted him to work along this path stating all would come to pass regardless of his actions...

"I understand father and thank you for your honesty..." he says and waits until they restore him.

He then departs the temple and the whole district. If the Pelorites of the temple were off limits then maybe the Pelorites of the orphanage could be targetted. Whats more he was supposed to NOT consume that one hence he need not worry about feeding the beast.