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Thread: Shards of Terna [IC]

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Near Atlanta,GA USA

    Default Re: Shards of Terna [IC]

    (Retcon based on OOC thread: Undoing belt for this work.)

    "I want to know what we can about what killed them and how long ago. Might be valuable information both for our survival over the course of the next few weeks and in terms of its intelligence value for the overall exploration efforts. Historical and religious value... well, if that were our concern I think our best move would be to stop right now and maybe even re-cover what we dug up. Actually, that makes me think. Does anyone know if these look like they were buried BY dwarves? The victors MIGHT have shown them that much respect if the dwarves lost, especially by surrender. If the armor was more intact I would tell you to be wary of plague, but it seems obvious, even at a cursory examination, that they died by violence."
    Last edited by DracoDei; 2012-06-13 at 09:34 PM.
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