Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post

"Well...its started out with the pact...but I think..."
He brought his hoof down and touched his lips. "I don't want it to only because of the pact."
The kelpie's eyes, mane, and tail began to water. "Really. Ye are no jus sayin' that?"

"Yea, I'm aware of that Miss Rainbow,"
She said and then put the communicator so that Rainbow could hear the message too before it was completely gone.

She looked at Silverpine and gestured to him the package.
Rainbow's face turns red at the sound of Copper. The hangar door at slammed open and Ranbow loads her biggest crossbow.

It's a massive thing. Bigger than her. More wood then pony, it is so humongous that it requires wheels. "NOT AGAIN!!"