@ Orgen


You wake up in time for first breakfast and you have time for your packing and prayers.

Elder Davin wishes you best of luck and opens a small iron box he has on his desk.

"This is a parting gift from me. I once used to walk about the wilderness seeking knowledge and I can only pass it along and wish you best of luck into the darkness!" he says.

In the small box you see 2 rolls of bandages that the man explains will instantly stop bleeding when applied. Further more there is a pouch with 4 shining white pellets. He tells you that those are daylight pellets which can be crashed underfoot to create a bright light, as strong as daylight as he says, for a whole minute.

The last thing in the box is a foul smelling leathery rope...


Basically you now have 2 blessed bandages, 4 daylight pellets and a trollgut rope.

The old man does not allow for any objections to taking those indicating he doesnt have need for them any more and are best if someone young and adventurous uses them!