Illiiya Jaelrae

Illiiya pitched and nearly fell, her legs seeming barely able to keep her upright as she gasped in heavily for air. She placed a hand to her chest and closed her eyes, as if she were having trouble breathing and somehow, focusing would stop that.


We can't send them into the dark like that if we're not willing to come as well. Lothar, Pieter and Ithelus are in there. Do it for us.

Illiiya was still for a moment, before standing shakily upright with a look of resolve on her face. She was pale as a sheet and having trouble finding air, but she was yet unbroken. She could not trust her magic, but these men had none, and likely less training in a fight than she. If they could brave the roots, she could as well. She pulled her short blade from her belt, and watched carefully for her moment.

Magic isn't likely to avail her much, weak as she is now... so Illiiya is arming and getting ready for the fire. If a villager falls, she'll move in to help move straw in his place. If straw is placed, she'll move in to help defend it. If anyone in our group is grabbed, she'll move in to try and cut them free. If for some reason NONE of this comes to pass, she'll attempt to dart the tree again. But I'm expecting one will.