I'd heard from several sources that it was a uniquely funny and heartwarming tale, a future classic, etc. So i got it on dvd and my wife and i settled into the sofa to watch it.

The characters were almost all a***holes, but not in a funny 'hey watch this' kinda way, just mopey, whiney sadsacks. Also, the story didn't make much sense - guy is embarrased about his girlfriend, twotimes her for another girl but has to fight a bunch of guys for the most stretched of reasons, absurdity abounds and ambiguous morality wins the day.

I blame film critics, who have to sit through hundreds of films and yearn for outside-the-box ridiculousness to break their monotony; whereas regular folks get to watch maybe one or two films a week and just want to be entertained with exactly the stuff that critics tire off - popular entertainment.