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Thread: Waiting For Rain IC: Spring Slowly Comes

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    Titan in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Default Re: Waiting For Rain IC: Spring Slowly Comes

    Charlene considered the wrist band holograms appreciatively. Playing by moving around was exactly her idea of fun, and something that might not feel entirely alien to her. The controls seemed vaguely familiar too, different but still similar enough to things she remembered. Memories were already stirring as she turned her attention to the game.

    It didn't take long to figure out the basics and get used to the game, and after a while things began to pick up. The games were fast and furious, and Charlene savored the thrill of the ride even though she lost most of them and even though, as she mused, she probably wasn't going to learn driving, or shooting, this way.

    She was learning something though, or rather remembering some things. The holograms, the motion control, even just being in front of a screen, it all stirred up things that she hadn't thought about in years, awakening old connections and creating new ones.

    It was Vorel who eventually pointed out that they had been playing for a while. Charlene paused and caught her breath as she looked at the time. "Oh," she smiled, "I lose track of time easily. I guess that happens when you have fun, I hope I haven't taken too much of your time?"

    She walked up to the screens and ran a hand over the plastic casing of one, considering the plethora of technology in the room. "If you've got a little more time ... I was actually hoping to rekindle my memory of all this. When I saw your phone and realized that I didn't even remember how to use something like that, something I once used all the time, well, I had to do something about that. Playing has been great, it's helped me some, I think, but I was wondering if you could just show me some of all these things," she gestured at the room. "Your computers, your phone, I don't know, wow me? Show me what you can do with it all. I understand if you have your own things to do, so I can wait for another time if you want."
    Last edited by Deadly; 2012-06-17 at 07:18 AM.