Quote Originally Posted by Orzel View Post
The verbal lashing continued. But softer, angrier, and with a sorrowful face. It was obvious that this was hard for her. "And another thing. How many times do I have to say to be careful. But you always say trust me. You can't do it alone. When I'm done with you you you will want to go back in this cell. Nowhere without supervision. Oooh. OOoh. Oooh! And another thing..." Her nervousness subconsciously put her hooves on the place where she kept her whiskey flash.
Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
Sandy noticed her reaching for where her flask always was. He may have taken a proper beating to the head, but nothing could make him forget last night. She was in his legs as he tried to comfort her, but all she did was reach for that *unpony* bottle. And had he made any headway? On the contrary, he'd just driven her back to the booze. Brilliant work, Shores. Brilliant work.

Sandy looked away from the sniper and her cutting barrage. He could've mentioned that technically, he was still alive and technically, he had been careful. But he hardly had the will to be insubordinate now. Does everypony in the town have t'be here t'see all this? Thanks, Lady Luck, you've done it again... he thought-muttered to himself.

As for the ponies set to take care of him, he hardly paid them any mind until they were in the cell. He had other things to think/worry about.
The cell door was already open, so yeah, Stormcloak shifted to the side a little to make way for Daniel.