Quote Originally Posted by Kelvin360 View Post
Locking the door behind them, Taylor begins a cursory medical examination of Sandy's injuries while Zaros scans for anything evil in particular, eyes aglow.

Meanwhile, Daniel plays an elevator tune.
(Warning: Amish knows next to nothing about medical junk, feel free to fill in some blanks yourself.)

As far as injuries go, his horn and head were probably worst off with some moderate trauma to the both of them. Whatever had attacked him had been fairly thorough at keeping his magic down. His neck had taken some hefty strangling, not to mention the obvious bite mark on his vein. Thankfully, the rest of his injuries appeared superficial; large, discolored bruises, cuts that had been treated already, but no obvious broken bones or internal injuries.

As far as evil things go, he appeared to check out. No signs of evil, though he'll probably have a nasty stomachache from swallowing vampire blood.

Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post

"What did he see?"
She then turned to face Sandy instead with a worried expression. "Tell me what happened Shores."
"I didn't see much, Cap'n..." he said around the examiners. Because Amish doesn't want to type it all out again, he told them how he'd been walking around, jumped outside an alley, how he freed himself, only to get beaten senseless, and finally ending with the guards showing up. That considerable hole in his memory, specifically on how he escaped a second time, was still there.