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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: [FWM] As Equestria Turns:MLP Without the Kiddy Thread XI

    (figured I'd put all these in the same post)

    Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post
    "I see. So he isn't in danger of becoming a vampire himself?" Stormcloak said, cutting to the reason why he even called them down here in the first place.
    "Without going deep into the philosophy behind 'being in danger', not that I can see. As far as I remember, even if everything went right for the vamp, blood, dark magic or whatever, et cetera, there is one very important factor for being a vampire:

    They're undead. Meaning that by definition, to become a vampire you have to be dead, then come back to life. So at present no, not in any real danger. Personally, I'd advise a check anyways, but since we're fresh out of spellcasters who can do that, to my knowledge..."

    Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
    Thank goodness for distractions. It didn't feel like Gear was letting go anytime soon, so he just opted to continue his report mid-hug. "T'be honest...I can't quite remember. It's there, I know somethin' happened, but every time I start honin' in on it, everythin' gets all fuzzy an' I lose it again. One minute I'm fightin' like mad, the next I'm lookin' at an empty alley."
    "Oh, yeah. You won't be able to remember anything major without a serious (and intrusive) mental investigation." He nods sagely.

    Quote Originally Posted by MCerberus View Post
    "By that logic," the griffon states while stepping in the foreground. "We need to take precautions with the slain victims."

    That wasn't likely to be very popular with the families but it's something that might save lives. "How do we know if the dead will turn?"
    "...Um. I don't really think anypony in the room or the famileis of the deceased need to know, other than it's ah...simple." He looks uncomfortable.
    Last edited by Kelvin360; 2012-06-17 at 08:21 PM.
    D&D is the only game I can think of (with the possible exception of Calvinball) where the only way to lose is by playing to win.
    "'Elvish barbeque' is what happens when the Quessir send one of their Evokers to deal with an orc invasion and then go home for the evening." - Elmah Dryearghymn, an elven Evoker, as depicted to the left