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Thread: [Nexus] OoC 32

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [Nexus] OoC 32

    Quote Originally Posted by Gulaghar View Post
    Alright, so I have a couple issues, Bookboy. As I mentioned previously, Anastram getting that meeting is just not going to happen for a couple different IC reasons. It was made clear early on that was the case. I can see him being persistent for a couple posts, but after that it just got frustrating. It was basically like nothing in my posts was being acknowledged.

    Don't get me wrong, it's not like I wanted your PC to die. It's just that the scene couldn't progress at all because my guys weren't going to have a change of heart and let him in, but your guy kept insisting on staying and is able to take anything I could throw at him with ease.

    Which brings me to my next point. I may be mistaken, but it seems like you're suggesting I should just pull something more powerful out to finish Anastram off. Problem is, I don't actually have anything more powerful. And I don't like feeling like I have to pull something out of my butt just so the scene can progress.

    So yeah, those are just my concerns. I don't want to post IC until we've sorted this out, so that's why I haven't replied yet.
    With regards to the stubbornness, that was mostly me RPing Anastram's single mindedness. He has received an order from his Lady, who gave him his unlife when his life was cut short, and he will continue to try and carry it out until he is destroyed (which, as I mentioned, I am making clear is not an easy thing when he is fully geared).

    Actually, I sent him there with the intention of him dying. He has a special ability that causes him to reform at a location of powerful necromantic energy that he has linked himself to (currently Serafina's mansion).

    Also, the blasters will now be effective. His fire/heat resistance came from his enchanted equipment. Now that it is gone, they will work.
    Last edited by Vhaidara; 2012-06-22 at 08:13 AM.
    I follow a general rule: better to ask and be told no than not to ask at all.

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