Quote Originally Posted by Bookboy View Post
With regards to the stubbornness, that was mostly me RPing Anastram's single mindedness. He has received an order from his Lady, who gave him his unlife when his life was cut short, and he will continue to try and carry it out until he is destroyed (which, as I mentioned, I am making clear is not an easy thing when he is fully geared).

Actually, I sent him there with the intention of him dying. He has a special ability that causes him to reform at a location of powerful necromantic energy that he has linked himself to (currently Serafina's mansion).

Also, the blasters will now be effective. His fire/heat resistance came from his enchanted equipment. Now that it is gone, they will work.
Alright, I suppose that helps with the current scene. But there's also the fact that it appears Ill be set against him again in the future. I don't mind fighting when it makes sense for it to happen, but combat where what my character(s) is facing can just take hit after hit while barely being fazed is an issue. I know you don't like undead that die very easy, but there's a difference between being difficult to kill and nearly impossible to kill. Especially when he can come right back to life again anyway.