Quote Originally Posted by factotum View Post
Planescape: Torment FTW!
I'd hoped there would be some folks here who would reconize the reference.
Quote Originally Posted by raymundo View Post
Holy baby Jesus on a pogo stick, if this is the resolution to a certain piece of media, I should definately give it a second try.
The story of Planescape Torment is a remarkable piece of work, although you only really get the best out of it if you have high wisdom and intelligence (charisma's also worthwhile), making wizards the best class for getting the most out of the game. I wasn't so fond of some of the gameplay, especially the combat, but the story and characters were more than good enough to make up for that. But yeah, the Nameless One screwed up big time, and the entire game is about him learning that, and deciding that he really needs to just stop screwing up any more and find a way to accept what should have come to him in the first place.