1. Happyturtle
2. Murska
3. The Final Stand
>>> 4. TerraOblivion Due by June 30<<<
5. Winthur

Don't worry about it, Stand. It was a mistake, but mistakes happen. One thing we can (and probably should) do is to go Hindu and bribe Genghis to war on Mansa (possibly with Currency to prevent Mansa getting to sell it for something, if he hasn't already) to slow down Mansa's teching. Of course Genghis will drag in Saladin, and they'll both try to drag us in too, but we can say no to that.

Genghis will DOW on us if we don't divert him soon. We're getting negatives from flipping his tiles and we can't share his favourite civic (Police State). Plus he'll want to take his horse city back. If we can get him warring for us though, he could be quite useful. The nice thing is that if Genghis takes any of Mansa's cities, we might culture flip them without having to do anything, since he'll just build units in them - plus they'll be killing him in distance maintenance. We're unlikely to culture flip them as long as Mansa owns them.

Terra, are you able to take your turn?