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    Ettin in the Playground
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    The Southern Wildlands

    Default Re: Lords of Creation: Boundless Wonder, Endless Strife. [IC]

    Merolle factually determines that Isanloff is going on a semi-silent ego trip and turns his attention elsehwere, namely to the divine medical ward, where a few deities have yet to awaken...

    Orlur, Versteckt and Aor, to be precise, remain in their sleep, a quick analysis reveals to Merolle that none of them managed to recover from their illness in these three millenia, he correctly calculates that the odds of any of them ever recovering are slim to none. His brother, his son, his greatniece, all effectively lost.

    A shame.

    Merolle's eye turns to the remains of his sisters still in the room, peacefully asleep forever, he cleansed the disease from their shadows and pruned the corruption, but still the could not awaken, death seemed more permanent to them, as opposed to the trifle effort of linking a mortal soul to... anything really.

    The Verdigris Legion remodels the whole chamber as a great ziggurat, a mausoleum to his family, the only cemetery in all of Geasa. The light of the sun shining down on the fallen deities.

    Then he leaves. No reason to stay, after all.
    Last edited by Draken; 2012-06-28 at 11:28 AM.

