Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post
"Less pretty boy, more blood-sucking type," Silverpine replied, wondering if he was better off keeping his mouth shut. The kid didn't seem to know anything, that much was evident.
"Wut? Ain't those just in the cinema?" He asked looking a little irritated.

The elderly mare popped up behind Silverpine and Gear and tapped Silverpine with her walker. Or rather thwacked too hard at his leg.

"Oi...sonny boy....you talking about vamponies? I tell you, my granddaughter was one who got bit and drained today, Luna bless her soul she's still alive. The cops didn't believe me it was a vampony, but I tells you sonny, its true, why...when I was a young girl of fifty, I too got me bit by a vampony, such a gentlecolt too though, no body believed me though...probably because I wasn't takin' my medication at the time....." She rambled, very slowly, veerry slowly and stared blankly. She then looked at Silverpine. "Oh...my....where am I? Oh my, I need to go to the convenience store and buy some milk."


Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
Sandy gave the bottle a quick sniff; perhaps his joke about hobos wasn't too far off-base. He crept into the room, getting closer to the rattling noise, but checking the beds first. His knives hovered in a defensive formation around him, making it tricky to grapple him without getting stabbed, and he listened closely to Daniel's hoofsteps. He'd been fooled by this trick once already, no sense in blundering into it again.

Entering 'deeper' into the large room, the clattering would become more clear and sound more...like......knees clacking together, shaking? There was movement behind one of the curtain sides.