Quote Originally Posted by lsfreak View Post
The problem is, you take Advanced Arms Training at level one, and now you qualify for anything that requires Greater Weapon Specialization. At level one. Not at BAB12, like I assume you intended.

That's not clear at all. If you've removed Manyshot as an available feat, you need to make it clear that "This feat replaces Manyshot" and describe what the feat does itself, not what it does in reference to Manyshot. If it's meant to improve upon Manyshot after Manyshot's already taken, a) it needs Manyshot as a prereq and b) that feat already exists, better.

Sorry, yea, forgot scouts. Somehow.

What? You're making no sense. A phalanx is a line of spears defended by shields. What does that have to do with cleaving, was my point, and then you brought up cleaving improving bullrushing? And now what does cleaving have to do with pounce?

It can't target your main target twice, but it can target multiple enemies in a single square. As written, it's targeting anything in the square, not an enemy. You need to rewrite it to be more clear if you mean to limit it to a single target, because right now if 4 grigs are in the square next to a nymph, you can hit the nymph and sweeping-strike all 4 grigs (and still hit something on the other side of the nymph, too).

Different playstyles/class ideas then.

So you made a feat that's intended to suck?
Judgment hurts Smite, not helps it, at least not until levels where Measure of Conviction really starts to make a difference. Reliable, all-day Judgment is just better than once-and-it's-gone Smite, especially when using that Smite gets rid of your reliable Judgment as well. Once you're sitting a 3-4 attacks, then Smite starts to get worthwhile, but until then having Judgment means Smite will likely be unused except for oh-**** moments. And once you do get those level of attacks, makes Judgment a less and less useful feat.
Make Smite per-day and Judgment per-encounter, unlinked to how many Smites you have left, and it'll be great.

That still leaves a simple dagger + support feat being better on the defense and offense than a shield + support feat. Yes, shields can take more feats to make them better and shields get AC from magic faster. Just pointing out that a shield is strictly inferior to an offhand weapon for early levels with this, and making up a feat for shields would probably be worthwhile.

My point is you need to reword it to be clearer, because it doesn't say you deal normal mainhand + offhand damage + offhand damage again, it only mentions the bonus offhand damage.
ah, now i get what you are saying, no, although i didnt name all the feats, the entire weapon focus line is suposed to be replaced, and so there shouldnt be any problems

The archery feats were done as a total rebuild, that is why nearly all of them are combination feats.

The Feat i made was the offensive push of a phalanx, not the defensive shield wall. In order to effectively use the Dungeoncrasher fighter, you need Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Pounce, Shock Trooper, and Spring Attack.

In the example, you hit the ogre as your main target, i get that it has problems.

Charging Smite

I havent gotten Around to the Shield version, which is basically the same counter ability, but grants a free Attack of Opportunity

Already Corrected