[Main Room]

"Oh, I have plenty of other animal friends elsewhere. Cedric here is simply my best friend. He's so helpful." Isabelle gives the freaky squirrel a little pat on the head, which produces a quiet contented purring sort of noise from him. "Cedric here is quite alive, as are all my animal friends. If I'm accepted as an AMENite, I would appreciate the space to bring in all my animals, of which there are quite a lot. However I realise that'd be asking quite a lot for a new member, so I'll be content to just bring in a few of my favourites, and of course any that could be of use to AMEN itself. Speaking of which, could AMEN do with any guard grizzly bears? I really like this idea, I think I'm going to make it my next project!"

Oh dear Maggy, you're giving the lady with the freaky squirrel ideas! But at least she's being reasonable about her animals.