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Thread: [Nexus] Home 11

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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Default Re: [Nexus] Home 11

    Trisha's Cabin

    As soon as Trisha returns, she peels off her soaked and tattered clothing. The rain had popped up for a short shower on her way back, but she felt no chill, so she was only bothered by the clinging of the material. She looks back at the entrance with a quiet sigh, wishing that Michicora was there, if only for the comforting presence and conversation.

    Before getting dressed, she gives a stretch to work the kinks out and sets her soaked clothes on a rack near the fireplace to dry. She's not bothered by the lack of mirror too much, but she almost wished for one to be there, just to see what it'd try to show her next. It honestly bothered her that all it tried to show was her and Michicora together, but mostly because she didn't know why. It certainly wasn't Hate that was showing it to her, so what was? The topic itself was...curious.

    The thought makes her cough in embarrassment and she flushes, immediately thankful that Michicora wasn't able to read her mind at just that moment. After casting another glance through the door to make sure no one was around, she starts to rummage through her clothes, putting on some lace and silk. It was such a silly thing for a soldier like herself to wear, but as her old Master once said, if no one else loves you, the least you can do is love yourself. And those were words she took to heart every day.

    Looking around, she frowns and gets to cleaning the place, reorganizing. She'll go at it for a little bit before tossing some food over the fire. A couple hours pass, and her exhaustion rolls over her head once more. She had sort of lied to Michicora about not needing sleep before. She didn't need it often, about once a week, but she did need it unless she was Tapped into Hate. Nearly asleep on her feet, she sets a plate of roasted boar, a candle, pitcher of water, and a glass of mead on a small endtable she's moved into the middle of the room.

    Smiling at it, she crawls onto her large bed and sprawls over the top, asleep as soon as her head hits the pillow, slumbering and dreaming peacefully.

    When Michicora comes back, she'll find the food set aside for her and Trisha asleep on the bed, barely clothed and snoring contentedly.
    Last edited by UncleWolf; 2012-07-03 at 08:34 PM.